Do you dislike your job? If you said yes, you would be with about 80% of Americans who say they don't like their current place of employment. Many of us today dread the sound of an alarm clock because it signals another day at a place we don't want to be. Some of us (myself included some days) stay up late wanting to savor every moment of freedom before their 9 AM lockdown. Lets face it is often like lockdown, we sit in our cubicles, offices, and work sites staring outside dreaming of the moment when we have finished serving our time and we are finally let out to once again live as free men and women
Sound like you, sound like what you might be thinking this Monday morning. I know the weekend just ended and with the indigestion of to many nachos in our belly and the excitement of wining the big game still in our minds work is the last place we want to be.
I am hoping to give you a more positive outlook. Today my family went grocery shopping, we prepared a meal and we thanked the lord. We thanked him for our provision. Give us this day our daily bread. We may not say those exact words but we paraphrase. We say lord provide for my family, lord take care of my finances, we call out Jehovah Jireh (the lord provides). It occurred to this weekend as my pending sentence approached that I am not a condemned man, come 9am I am not trapped, come 9 am I am provided for. Every time I wake up and go to work I see an answer to my prayers. Every day I see the miracle of God's provision in action. This week I encourage you to go to work positively, it is an answer to pray. Live the Adventure.