I AM BACK!!!!. Its been a long time no see. For those who read my blog regularly I apologize for my two weeks with out posts. The fact of the matter is I have hardly had time to sleep much less blog. I have been taking college courses online. In these courses they take a 12 week course and cram it into 6. well what happened to me was I had received my books three weeks late. So I am trying to cram twelve weeks of class into three. The teachers were gracious in allowing me to turn in work late however every assignment still had to be done. I have been waking up at 5 and going to bed at midnight every night. Its been exhausting, however I did get it done I took finals Saturday. So now I am back.
Well enough history I am excited to talk about my next adventure. As you have probably noticed with my return to corporate America life is busier and there is less time for everything, even prayer. I am a man who thrives off prayer. If I go with out a quiet time for too many days I can physically feel the difference. So in order to increase prayer I am going on a 31 day military campaign. The objective is to turn my car into a car of prayer. This won’t be easy. My natural tendency every time I get into my car is space off. I have tried to pray while driving before however often find myself in la la land. That is because my habit is when I am in my car I space off, I day dream that’s what I do in my car. Its almost as if my car is owned by that. Well its time to break that habit, its time to take my car back for Jesus. I want my habit to be when I get into my car to that I instantly find myself in place of prayer, rather than a place of semi-unconsciousness. So in order to do that, for the next 31 days if I am in my car I am praying, I don’t care if it is just a run to Wal-mart to pick up some milk, If there is 30 seconds in that car than there are 30 seconds in prayer, that’s going to be my new rule. So I am going to do a couple of things to make this work. First I am cleaning my car I figure if I am going to ask the holy spirit to dwell there it ought to be clean. Second I am keeping on my accountability through the twitter, I am going to update my twitter every time I drive I will be putting where I went and what I prayed for. Alright bloggers, I am Glad I am back and look forward to posting the outcomes of this awesome adventure. Live the adventure.
Well enough history I am excited to talk about my next adventure. As you have probably noticed with my return to corporate America life is busier and there is less time for everything, even prayer. I am a man who thrives off prayer. If I go with out a quiet time for too many days I can physically feel the difference. So in order to increase prayer I am going on a 31 day military campaign. The objective is to turn my car into a car of prayer. This won’t be easy. My natural tendency every time I get into my car is space off. I have tried to pray while driving before however often find myself in la la land. That is because my habit is when I am in my car I space off, I day dream that’s what I do in my car. Its almost as if my car is owned by that. Well its time to break that habit, its time to take my car back for Jesus. I want my habit to be when I get into my car to that I instantly find myself in place of prayer, rather than a place of semi-unconsciousness. So in order to do that, for the next 31 days if I am in my car I am praying, I don’t care if it is just a run to Wal-mart to pick up some milk, If there is 30 seconds in that car than there are 30 seconds in prayer, that’s going to be my new rule. So I am going to do a couple of things to make this work. First I am cleaning my car I figure if I am going to ask the holy spirit to dwell there it ought to be clean. Second I am keeping on my accountability through the twitter, I am going to update my twitter every time I drive I will be putting where I went and what I prayed for. Alright bloggers, I am Glad I am back and look forward to posting the outcomes of this awesome adventure. Live the adventure.