I wanted to discuss the idea of soldiers. While within a given army all soldiers are belong to the same army, and that army has one collective mission. Each soldier generally has a individual mission that he must do in order that the army as a whole can complete its objective.
While I was in the army there where are a few different groups of soldiers. There are those which us combat guys deemed as Pougs. Pougs we said sat in the rear with the gear. These are typically your admin guys, supply guys, and your techies. These types of Soldiers you usually stay in the back far from battle, very far. They may be in the same country but they are miles from a gunshot. Often times they will be in air conditioned buildings, they are always nearby supply chains, having quick access to food, water, showers, beds. They lead the most comfortable and safe life that can be lead by a soldier.
Then there are you combat arms guys or your front line soldier, these are the guys who are always near the battle, Where ever a gun shot is fired they are there. They are typically not close to any supplies. They often have poor food, no showers, and get little sleep. They are very uncomfortable and rarely safe.
Then you have the roughest of all soldiers, your special forces. These guys never sleep, they go into the roughest climates on earth, for days at a times, often with a small ruck sack. They bring no rain gear, no sleeping gear, very little food. There ruck sacks have room for mainly ammo and equipment. They are in small teams with little support, at the drop of a hat they are asked to go to the far corners of the earth and not tell friends or families where they are going or when they are coming back. They are elite and highly favored by their commanders, they are however rarely honored what they do is done is secret, if they get a medal their not allowed to tell you why or how they got it. Their great deeds and hard lives are lived in secret.
Who are you and where do you want to be. I must tell you that all soldiers no matter how rough or dangerous their role is play a vital part in the army, with out one of their missions the army as a whole would not survive, the army's mission would fail. I also must mention that no one is truly safe and that all units in the army face danger, some just more than others. I must say the army of God is set up the same way. There are those who's lives may be a little easier that doesn't mean their less spiritual or less saved or not as holy . It also doesn't mean that there better or more favored than you it just means there mission is different. We all have different missions and different burdens to bear. We must remember we are a team serving one purpose heading towards one goal, the kingdom of heaven. What ever mission God has chosen you for whether very easy, or very difficult it is your mission, bear it with pride. That's what soldiers do. Soldiers of God...Live the adventure.