I was reading in the Judges 3:1-2
These are the nations the LORD left to test all those Israelites who had not experienced any of the wars in Canaan 2 (he did this only to teach warfare to the descendants of the Israelites who had not had previous battle experience):
Why is it importan that a nation would know war. Ever seen this on a bumper sticker:
"No Jesus, No Peace"
"Know Jesus, Know Peace"
Let me submit to you another expression.
"No War, No Peace"
"Know War, Know Peace".
To establish a Kingdom takes a fight, so does keeping it. Obviously the country that can not war will be easily invaded. In addition a country that does not know war only has one option to keep its self secure, that is diplomacy. While diplomacy is a great tool for keeping the peace it has a great weakness, compromise. The problem with compromise is that you have to give something up, you give up where you stand on a certain issue so that opposing side will give up where they stand and war can be averted. A country that can not defend itself will always compromise the problem with always compromising is you lose what you stand for, you quite being who you are and believing what you believe and become what ever they want you to be. Thats why a country needs to know war, because sometimes we have to fight not because diplomacy hasn't worked because on some issues diplomacy is not an option. The same is true in christianity, we must know war, we must be able to defend our faith, there are some issues on which diplomacy and compromise is not an option. Live the Adventure.
Bring on the fight!
Great thought Jake. It's so true... people don't like conflict and so they refuse to take a stand on issues. I find myself doing it too. We must all be willing to fight for what we believe in.
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