Do you have the time?
You know this book on hell is really having a impact on me. I must admit as the reality of hell seeps into my system it is having a greater impact the reality of heaven. Today I was reading on the return of the man. Once the man had returned to earth he would lie awake at night horrified not by his memories of hell but of the people that he could of warned and didn’t.
I want to take this opportunity to remind everyone out there hell is real. It’s a real place people really go there. I wasn’t meant for people, horrors of hell were designed for demons (fallen angels) it was made to punish them. However if we do not accept Christ we are not allowed in heaven, we must go somewhere. I do not wish to scare people into accepting Christ, it typically doesn’t stick. Typically people’s lives will change only as long as they are afraid after the fear wears off they return to old habits. However I would not be a good man if I did not publish a warning. If you ask how can God send good person to hell I must answer that he doesn’t, we choose to go. We choose to not accept his love. By the way it is love that he offers, so many people see Christianity as rules and that’s not the case. His commandments are to protect you, they are to ensure the life more abundant. Everything that you do that is contrary to the will of God, you are persuaded to do by demons. These demons only want your destruction, they want you to join them in hell they want to rob you of your rightful place which is the presence of God. You should read the testimony of the man sent to heaven he speaks of sights, sounds and colors that earthly words can not describe, he describes his first moment in heaven as filled with great joy, joy unequaled on earth, this joy only increased the closer he got to the pearly gates. That is your place, that is where you belong, not hell.
I want to take this moment to tell a story. It is a story that is quite a horrible memory for me. Every time I recall it I cry, I am actually crying right now. It’s a story a man I met in Iraq. His name is Sgt. Walker. Sgt Walker was a good man, he was fun to talk to, he was good to his soldiers, he cared about the troops. The man was in intelligence, he networked with Iraqis to gather information on terrorist cells. He would often be found in the late hours of the night and we hours of the morning, in command center transmitting and desciminating information. When asked why doesn’t get some sleep, he would say “a soldiers life depends on this information, knowing what I know could bring him life and death I have to get it out”. He was truly a good man. I remember having a conversation with Sgt. Walker, I talked to him about Jesus, he made his jokes as many do. He told me that he would accept Christ on his death bed, he said the way he figured it he would continue “Drinking and whoring around” until he was about to die and then accept Christ. I told him it typically doesn’t work that way, many people end up cursing god on their death bed rather than accept him. I let the argument die. I wish I hadn’t. The next morning was horrible I will never forget it. I saw his commanding officer come running out of his barracks he ran to the aids station, then four medics came running out with a stretcher. They came out two minutes later on the stretcher lay Sgt. Walker. The man had died. Not in battle, not because of bullets or bombs, he had died due to heat stroke. He hadn’t drank enough water the day before and he died in his sleep. He never had the chance to repent. I say this story because we never know. As Christians speak with passion at every opportunity, don’t miss them and please don’t let the argument die, you never know when its that persons last chance, had I known that Sgt walker would be dead the next day I would have fought harder, tried more, I didn’t, I was the last Jesus that man ever saw. To those not saved you never how or when, don’t put off tell your death bed, or tell tomorrow, or even when for another hour, you really don’t know. Its not promised. Do you have the time? Live the Adventure.
You know this book on hell is really having a impact on me. I must admit as the reality of hell seeps into my system it is having a greater impact the reality of heaven. Today I was reading on the return of the man. Once the man had returned to earth he would lie awake at night horrified not by his memories of hell but of the people that he could of warned and didn’t.
I want to take this opportunity to remind everyone out there hell is real. It’s a real place people really go there. I wasn’t meant for people, horrors of hell were designed for demons (fallen angels) it was made to punish them. However if we do not accept Christ we are not allowed in heaven, we must go somewhere. I do not wish to scare people into accepting Christ, it typically doesn’t stick. Typically people’s lives will change only as long as they are afraid after the fear wears off they return to old habits. However I would not be a good man if I did not publish a warning. If you ask how can God send good person to hell I must answer that he doesn’t, we choose to go. We choose to not accept his love. By the way it is love that he offers, so many people see Christianity as rules and that’s not the case. His commandments are to protect you, they are to ensure the life more abundant. Everything that you do that is contrary to the will of God, you are persuaded to do by demons. These demons only want your destruction, they want you to join them in hell they want to rob you of your rightful place which is the presence of God. You should read the testimony of the man sent to heaven he speaks of sights, sounds and colors that earthly words can not describe, he describes his first moment in heaven as filled with great joy, joy unequaled on earth, this joy only increased the closer he got to the pearly gates. That is your place, that is where you belong, not hell.
I want to take this moment to tell a story. It is a story that is quite a horrible memory for me. Every time I recall it I cry, I am actually crying right now. It’s a story a man I met in Iraq. His name is Sgt. Walker. Sgt Walker was a good man, he was fun to talk to, he was good to his soldiers, he cared about the troops. The man was in intelligence, he networked with Iraqis to gather information on terrorist cells. He would often be found in the late hours of the night and we hours of the morning, in command center transmitting and desciminating information. When asked why doesn’t get some sleep, he would say “a soldiers life depends on this information, knowing what I know could bring him life and death I have to get it out”. He was truly a good man. I remember having a conversation with Sgt. Walker, I talked to him about Jesus, he made his jokes as many do. He told me that he would accept Christ on his death bed, he said the way he figured it he would continue “Drinking and whoring around” until he was about to die and then accept Christ. I told him it typically doesn’t work that way, many people end up cursing god on their death bed rather than accept him. I let the argument die. I wish I hadn’t. The next morning was horrible I will never forget it. I saw his commanding officer come running out of his barracks he ran to the aids station, then four medics came running out with a stretcher. They came out two minutes later on the stretcher lay Sgt. Walker. The man had died. Not in battle, not because of bullets or bombs, he had died due to heat stroke. He hadn’t drank enough water the day before and he died in his sleep. He never had the chance to repent. I say this story because we never know. As Christians speak with passion at every opportunity, don’t miss them and please don’t let the argument die, you never know when its that persons last chance, had I known that Sgt walker would be dead the next day I would have fought harder, tried more, I didn’t, I was the last Jesus that man ever saw. To those not saved you never how or when, don’t put off tell your death bed, or tell tomorrow, or even when for another hour, you really don’t know. Its not promised. Do you have the time? Live the Adventure.
1 comment:
This is such a good reminder, Jake.
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