The most favored Part 2. I must apologize as I re-read yesterdays post I realize that I made no mention of this being a two part series. So yesterdays post may seem to leave you hanging a bit. The reason I wanted to talk about discipline as necessary and not always punishment is because as I contemplated Hebrews 12 yesterday I had an interesting thought. If God Disciplines those he loves does the more discipline or more hardship one suffer mean that one is loved more. Let me digress for a moment and say that I do believe that God plays favorites, that some people are more loved or more favored than others. I also want to take a moment and say that even the smallest most minute amount of Gods love is far greater than anything a person could ever give you, remember that Christ gave up his life for the those he loved even just a little.
Back to the question does more discipline mean more favored. Does it mean the more hardship you suffer the more you are favored? I think so. Think about it, if there is some really nasty task one which requires much hard work, or perhaps getting really dirty and stinky, or will make you uncomfortable or is a bit humiliating and you needed help doing it who do you call, the guy you met last week or your best friend that has been with you through thick or thin? Who does a general call with his most difficult missions the officer he knows and trusts or the one he doesn't. Read your bible, read the stories of Joseph, Moses, David, Peter, Paul, the Johns. They all had lives full of hardship, yet these men are the biblical greates and there is not a Christian on earth who considers these men not favored of God.
So back to the question are the more disciplined the most favored? Absolutely. So treat hardship as discipline God is treating you as sons, dearly loved and trusted sons. Rejoice when things get harder and things seem difficult more often it just means that God is giving the more difficult missions. The ones he only gives to best friends, those he trusts. Live the adventure.
1 comment:
Thanks for the reminder (as I crawl into bed from the most recent "beating"):) By the way, I love the new format of your posts ;)
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