Tuesday, February 12, 2008

You're Being Watched

Somebody always has their eye's on you. Somebody is always watching. They may never hear your conversation, never speak with you but their watching. Today I had a job interview. It was at a place I had worked at previously, after the inital screening I was called into the interview. I was hoping that it would be someone that I knew to make the process easy. It wasn't. The next part is amazing, the man I had never met, nor spoken to, reconized me immediately. He told me he remembered me from when I had worked there before, he said he remembered me as an upstanding person and good salesman. He then went on to say that at this point the interview was really informal he was going to make the recommendation that I get hired. Amazing isn't, live your life carefully someone is always watching. Live the adventure.

1 comment:

Joseph said...

Congrats on the job Jake. BTW, I've got my eye on you... :)