An Interesting comparision. As I round the end these two books I am reading 90 minutes in Heaven and 23 Minutes in hell I am coming to an interesting comparison. The man who went to heaven describes his exeperience as unending joy that only got better as time went on, while the man who went to hell described his experience as unending fear,suffering, and hoplessness that only got worse as time went on.
I reminded of a verse ephesians 3:19 and to "know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God." Its paul speaking to church about the love of Christ. What does being to filled to measure of all the fullness of God about. Its about not having want, if you are filled to the "measure of all the fullness of God" the you have the "fullness" of God and what does God want for, nothing he has everything. So when we know this love that surpasses knowledge we have everything we'll ever need.
I say this in my comparsion of hell because the man that went to hell had nothing but want, the man who went to heaven had so much he had want for nothing. All good things Come from God, This can be easily seen in heaven and hell. Where God is abundance, joy is in abundance, where God does not exist, joy does not exist. The bible goes to some lenght to warn us of hell, quite often this is used as a way of scaring people into becoming Christians. Don't get me wrong hell is a real place and if you're not a christian you will find your self in hell, However I don't think Jesus teaches on hell to scare you are force you love and serve him, I think he does it because he loves you and he knows whats best for you, and he knows that when you are with him you will have unending joy. His warning us of hell is completely selfless its based on his desire to see us live the lives more abundant. " I lay before life and death, I beesech you choose Life". Live the adventure.
I reminded of a verse ephesians 3:19 and to "know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God." Its paul speaking to church about the love of Christ. What does being to filled to measure of all the fullness of God about. Its about not having want, if you are filled to the "measure of all the fullness of God" the you have the "fullness" of God and what does God want for, nothing he has everything. So when we know this love that surpasses knowledge we have everything we'll ever need.
I say this in my comparsion of hell because the man that went to hell had nothing but want, the man who went to heaven had so much he had want for nothing. All good things Come from God, This can be easily seen in heaven and hell. Where God is abundance, joy is in abundance, where God does not exist, joy does not exist. The bible goes to some lenght to warn us of hell, quite often this is used as a way of scaring people into becoming Christians. Don't get me wrong hell is a real place and if you're not a christian you will find your self in hell, However I don't think Jesus teaches on hell to scare you are force you love and serve him, I think he does it because he loves you and he knows whats best for you, and he knows that when you are with him you will have unending joy. His warning us of hell is completely selfless its based on his desire to see us live the lives more abundant. " I lay before life and death, I beesech you choose Life". Live the adventure.
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