I am back from the holidays, they were awesome I hope yours were merry was well. Well today it was back to the grind. I went into the office and during the meeting my boss asked what every body's favorite Christmas gift was. Because I was late I got to go first I told them it was the new pair of pants my wife got me (first thing that came to my mind.) Not that I don't appreciate the pair of pants but in reality I have a greater gift that I am much more thankful for. On December 23rd I had the privilege of worshiping and celebrating Christmas with my church family. Church at The Well. What a blessing. As I looked around the room I saw the faces of people I have shared an incredible adventure with. These are people of incredible character, huge hearts, amazing tenacity, and unending, unquenchable love for Jesus Christ. They never quite, they never surrender, despite the circumstances they have suffered over these last two years they have never backed down, they have never compromised, they have remained steadfast, true to their integrity and the purposes for which God has sent them. Such men and women are hard to find. Very few are willing to suffer the Journeys that lead them to the Glory for which God has intended for them, but they have. I want to give them the greatest honor that I can and let them now that I love them, respect them, and am grateful for them. My life has changed because of them (especially you Joseph), I am better because of them ( especially you babe). Antrims, Clarks, Thompsons, Masts,Buccaros I didn't know you before I moved to Florida but I am so grateful that I came, men and women like you are rare, your presence has blessed me. The way you live your lives has inspired me. Thank you for being who you are and living the way you do. To my heavenly father thank you for keeping me on the adventure. So many times I have wanted to quite so many times you have convinced me to stay, your patience and persistence is evidence of your love. This Christmas there is no place I would have rather been then right here, right now. To all those out there in blog land I encourage you to live the adventure, to never give up on God, and to never give up on those around you. His adventure you will find is the greatest, those in your life you may find is your greatest blessing. The journeys you so badly want to quite on are those that often lead to the greatest glory, to the greatest blessings. Stick with it and I guarantee you will find yourself like me, Standing amidst something greater than you could ever have imagined feeling foolish for every time you wanted to quite. Church at The Well I love you and can not wait for what 2008 holds in store whether for better or for worse I know that in Christmas 2008 I will once again be thanking God for the experience of an incredible adventure with and incredible group of people. Thanks be to God and let us all live the adventure.
Wow, Jake. Thank you. It's an honor to serve alongside you too, watching you grow and stretch beyond what you thought possible...What a ride, huh? Sure we would have scripted it differently, but it's obvious we're not the ones holding the pen. Onward!
Jake, thank you!
Jake, you may never know this side of heaven how meaningful your comments are. I am a better person for knowing you too! I am just as grateful for the community of believers that God has seen fit to have me shepherd.
I'm crying right now as I read your blog. Maybe it's the pregnancy, maybe not. Your words of gratitude and love are so encouraging to me. But more than that, I'm so thankful for what you teach me. You have been so consistant from the begining in expressing your gratefulness for struggle, for discipline, and for hardship. Perhaps it was the military that taught you that before you ever joined The Well. But I will forever associate the words "Satan, is that all you got?!" with you and your constant appreciation for the hard lessons. I value you and thank God for you on our team!
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