I was contemplating today on the story of Mary and Joseph leaving Jesus behind in Jerusalem as they went on home. Well after a day of traveling they realize he isn't there. So panicked they rush back to Jerusalem and after 3 days of searching they finally found him in the temple. When they found Jesus they were livid "how could you do this to us, we have been searching frantically for you". Jesus replies quite simply "Why have you been searching, didn't you know I would be in my fathers house". What a great answer, the bible says that Mary and Joseph didn't understand, I must admit that I didn't understand at first either. After thinking about it made great sense. Why where they searching? Where did they look for 3 days, playgrounds, video arcades, the normal 12 year old hang outs. Why there? If you were visiting a city were your child's real fathers house was wouldn't you look there first. Why would you search. Jesus was just hanging out at his dads makes perfect sense to me. What about the rest of us where are we searching for our savior at. Is it in the right places? Let me tell you the truth if your looking for God at all the popular hang outs (T.V., Hollywood, Politics, Oprah,) your looking in the wrong places. Just as in Jerusalem Jesus was not at the popular hang outs he was in the house of God, studying the word. Searching start there in the house of God and in his word.
1 comment:
Well said. Well said.
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