Skydiving is amazing sport. I went once. I was the first guy out of the plane. There is nothing like the string of thoughts that go through your mind as you head to the back of the plane. Your brain is screaming at you "this is not smart, I can't believe your about to jump out of a plane", "This is a perfectly good airplane and your going to jump out of it, what is wrong with you." Despite my better judgement my feet keep moving to the door and then it happens the moment of truth your feet leave the plane and you are hurtling towards the earth approaching 120 mph. The view all of the sudden isn't so nice and now your nervous (that may be understating it a little) because it was a great thought getting in the plane even approaching the door of the plane your still thinking it will be fun, but as the ground races toward you realize this might be dangerous and that if the chute doesn't open your dead if you do something wrong your dead. Who thought this was going to be a good Idea. Luckily my chute opens and I gently land (another understatement the truth is I tucked and rolled). Why the story about sky diving? Ever think about the first guy who went sky diving. The first chut that ever opened. It had never happened before, why did this guy think he could jump out of a plane a live. Apparently he "believed" his chute would open. funny thing about belief it causes a course of action. The man Jumped out a plane because he believed his chute would open. Columbus crossed the ocean because he believed he would reach land. Belief causes action. You get in your car because you believe it will take you where you want to go. You wake up and go to work because you believe they will pay you. We as people operate on beliefs. What do you believe. Do your beliefs cause actions, if they are not then do you really believe it. Here is to those who believe.
1 comment:
I believe! I believe that this city will be better because we are in it. I believe that lives will be touched by our committment to love and serve people. I believe that one day the pain and difficulties of the journey will fade and we will rejoice at the "baby" that is born from the labor.
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