Once a month on a friday night a"The Well gets together for fight night." Actually its called watch night. Its our once a month late night prayer session. Where we fight the Devil and seek our lord for our church, our city, our country and the world. As our pastor would refer to it "its hot nasty stinky prayer." Its a fight. In other words is its good, its good like climbing a fourteen thousand foot mountain. For those of you who don't about fourteen thousand feet mountains or 14er's as us mountian folk call them, they have peaks that are above the tree line. The tree line is the point at which you are so high there is not enough oxygen for tree's to grow. Tree's not being a very active creature you can imagine how little oxygen there is up there. Anyway back to being good like climbing a mountain. climbing a mountain of that height is pretty difficult. Your body is weak you gasp for air, your constantly taking breaks due to exhaustion and when you look at your progress you may have gone ten feet. Its a strenous process. So you must ask why people do it. The view and thrill you feel at the top is unlike anything on earth. In other words when you push through the difficulty you recieve the awesome blessing of being on top of the world, where few people ever go. Its worth it. Thats what friday night fights (or watch night) is like, difficult at times but if you push through its worth it.
Well on to the moral of the story. This last friday one of the things I got to pray for was some new facilitys that we needed for our various services that we do at the church. One of them being Watch Night. I was excited because this is something that I have been passionate about we really need a new spot for Watch night. Well as I began to pray I realized that I didn't seem to have anything to pray, I tried to push through but at times I wondered if I was even making sense. In short is was an ugly prayer,quite ugly. So I had to take a moment afterword and reflect. Why was that prayer ugly, I was passionate about it, I wanted to pray for it. In fact I have prayed for this in my own quite time why was it so bad. Upon reflection I realized the prayer is fighting and fighting is rarely pretty. forget what you see in the movies, fighters generaly do not look like Bruce Lee. The fact of the matter is they often look ugly and ungraceful and even take their share of hits. The winner is the one who is the toughest the one who perservers. So it is with prayer, its not always graceful and you take your share of hits. The winner is the one who will last the longest. To lasting the longest. Live the adventure.
Well on to the moral of the story. This last friday one of the things I got to pray for was some new facilitys that we needed for our various services that we do at the church. One of them being Watch Night. I was excited because this is something that I have been passionate about we really need a new spot for Watch night. Well as I began to pray I realized that I didn't seem to have anything to pray, I tried to push through but at times I wondered if I was even making sense. In short is was an ugly prayer,quite ugly. So I had to take a moment afterword and reflect. Why was that prayer ugly, I was passionate about it, I wanted to pray for it. In fact I have prayed for this in my own quite time why was it so bad. Upon reflection I realized the prayer is fighting and fighting is rarely pretty. forget what you see in the movies, fighters generaly do not look like Bruce Lee. The fact of the matter is they often look ugly and ungraceful and even take their share of hits. The winner is the one who is the toughest the one who perservers. So it is with prayer, its not always graceful and you take your share of hits. The winner is the one who will last the longest. To lasting the longest. Live the adventure.
Loved it Jake! I am partial to "stinky" prayer and as you well know, look forward to Watch fight... I mean Watch night at The Well.
So true Jake. I felt the same way last Watchnight. Like I lost the words as soon as they came to mind. I usually feel like a burning flame at Watchnight--ready to jump on any topic. Last friday I felt like a dying ember. It was indeed an ugly battle.
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