This is a special post as I write to you today from the E.R. room my wife is being treated in. Relax, its not serious. At 12:20 in the morning a day of pregnancy nausea where she couldn't hold anything down had taken its toll on the girl and she requested to go to hospital. I must admit that as I lay my hand on my wife's stomach to pray for her as we took the long sleepy drive to E.R. I became a little discouraged. Its 12:20 at night I know the hospital stay with will take us to at least three if not four. I loath aproaching the check in desk and telling them that I don't have insurance, I loath even more the exorbant hospital bill that will follow. A voice in the back of my mind says "have faith". Another voice quickly retorts; I am tired of having faith, tired of praying tired of believing when will I just get a brake, I always feel like I am ice skating up hill in a snowstorm, can't I do something, can't I go somwhere else.
Then I hear the voice of God, its always different from the thoughts in head, its louder yet more serene and it always speaks sense that you can't deny. He said "where else would you rather be" it took me but a second to realize I love this stuff. Don't get me wrong I am not looking forward to another bill nor a sleepless night but I look forward to what it brings. At the end of this there will be a child and God only knows how awesome he/she will become, the mighty things they will do. Its the same with life yes its hard especially right now but where else would I rather be. I am in the midst of the adventure God has sent me on how cool is that. What do I want to retire, sit on the porch and experience the easy life? You have got to be kidding me I want the adventure I want to see it and do it all, but no adventure comes without peril and sacrifice, child birth will be no different, nethier will the life I live. The greater the adventure, the more awesome the story, the more difficult the circumstance one must endure. There is only thing left to say...Live the Adventure.
Jake, keep pressing forward. Keep "skating up that hill" it will bear fruit. I'm praying for you and Odile.
I love your realization...truly, in most instances, we are exactly where we should be.
I might feel I'd rather be in Disney World with my kids right now, but I am work, earning money to pay for our home and food and daily life. And that is a great place to be. Thank you for the reminder! :-)
And my empathy to your wife...I troo had very nauseas pregnancies...but very happy beautiful children resulted! Hang in there...it's SOOOOO worth it!
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