How many of you like oranges, I know I do. In fact my favorite Juice is tropicana with lots of pulp. Its almost like drinking a solid orange I love it. Let me ask you another question how many of you like hot humid weather. I don't ethier in fact I hate it. Its funny though oranges grow best in hot and humid weather.
I was taking a walk and saying my morning prayers. The first thing I did was thank God for the beautiful weather. I sure that I am not the only one, we all thank God for beautiful days. But the cool 75 tempatures do not bring florida oranges. The same is true with green grass, everybody likes green grass but how many of us curse the rainy day.
My point is this thank God for the good days, thank him also for the bad days because of the good things they bring. Live the Adventure.
Wow Jake! That's pretty profound. I really do see a great sermon illustration in that. I love oranges too, so I'm going to stop cursing the 96 degree-hot-humid weather, and instead be thankful for it. Help!
Good point Jake. I so often find that in the long run, I actually appreciate the hard days more because of the benefit they bring. What a crazy concept.
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