I have a confession to make, I am an action guy. Want my top 4 movies try the 4 Die Hard movies. Long drawn out elequent and poetic diaglogues do not impress me, give me a one liner. Here is some dialogue from the t.v. "According to Jim" That I can relate to:
Wife: "I don't want to see a movie where something gets blown up"
Jim: "If something doesn't get blown up it ain't a movie"
You know what else I love Action Video games. My favorite video games are those in which youre surronded by a thousand bad guys and each level there just becomes more and more of them. I love to see just how far I can get and how many bad guys I can kill.
I think we can learn alot from the action video games and the movies. The hero never gives up, never quits, never thinks its impossible. There are no odds in which he is not willing to come up against. If he is going out he is taking as many bad guys as he can with him and saving as many as he can with his own life.
As christians we would do well to live this way, never give up and never quite and never be afraid to battle the odds. In addition you know youre life will eventually end so take out as many bad guys as you can and save as many good ones ( I am talking of removing demonic strong holds and saving lost souls remember our battle is not against flesh and blood. So don't kill anybody). Live the adventure.
MOOSE DISCLAIMER: Jake Godlewski does not support violent video games that endorse or condone violence done to the innocent or criminal activity AKA: Grand Theft Auto is bad so are games like it.
Wanna go to the movies??? ;0)
Welcome back to blog land buddy. I'm ready, let's shoot 'em up!!!
Ha! Right! Good to mention the discalimer so no one gets confused. :) But I'm with you.. take out the bad guy!
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