When is the last time you have heard that announced with pride from the roof tops. When was the last time you have seen a man puff up his chest and say "yep, never had sex" or a guy wearing a bright yellow bracelet that says VIRGIN. I have never seen it nor heard of it. Lets be honest, and I am talking mostly to the guys, virginity is not something we wear with pride. Its more like an embarrassing cumbersome burden that must be carried until marriage. The sooner we can legally get rid of this burden the better. I mean you're not even a real man until you've had sex. Those who have not had sex are quasi-men, semi-manly, kinda of manly, but not really manly, right.? I disagree.
Who do we consider men, who are the toughest of the tough, the bravest of the brave, the manliest of the men? How about Army Green Berets, or Navy Seals, or Pro-Athletes? Most men would consider these among the toughest of the tough and the manliest of the men. What makes them the most manly?
What makes them the manliest is the fact that they are conquers, they kick butt and take names, they do what few can. In fact of every 100 aspiring college athletes only 3 will become pro, out every marine who enters seal training less than twenty percent will be able to complete it, out of every 100 candidates for the Army's Green Berets only 7 will dawn the coveted green beret. These are sobering numbers but they are what make these men the best of the best, the toughest of the tough and the manliest of the men.
Let me share a few other numbers for you. 95% of all Americans have had sex before they were married, 54% of teens claim to have had sex at least once in their lives, 81% of the males in America have sex before age twenty. This is the thing we classify how manly men are by the obstacles they can overcome, the things they can do that others can't. According to these numbers in the struggle against premaritial sex 95% fail, the majority before they get out high school the rest shortly thereafter. The bottom line is staying pure is hard, in fact it is satistically harder to stay a virgin until marriage then it is to become an Army Green Beret or a Navy Seal, and just 2% less difficult than becoming a pro athlete. By these numbers I would say being a virgin makes you a certified butt kicker not a wimp. Take pride in purity you're achieving a feat few others can. Virgin is not an embarrassing classification but rather a title that should be worn with pride. Its right up their with Centurion, Spartan, Gladiator. I AM A VIRGIN!!!! scream it from the roof tops, puff up your chest and say "yep never had sex", dawn a bracelet that says virgin, your a certified butt kicker, you're the elite, you are doing what others can't. For the record I stayed a virgin for twenty six years, until I got married, and I am proud of it! Live the adventure.
What a great blog! Welcome back! This was really good!
Loved the thoughts and ideas expressed here Jake. Great job!
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