Friday, February 29, 2008
Bumper Bowling

Wednesday, February 27, 2008
The most favored (part 2)

The most favored Part 2. I must apologize as I re-read yesterdays post I realize that I made no mention of this being a two part series. So yesterdays post may seem to leave you hanging a bit. The reason I wanted to talk about discipline as necessary and not always punishment is because as I contemplated Hebrews 12 yesterday I had an interesting thought. If God Disciplines those he loves does the more discipline or more hardship one suffer mean that one is loved more. Let me digress for a moment and say that I do believe that God plays favorites, that some people are more loved or more favored than others. I also want to take a moment and say that even the smallest most minute amount of Gods love is far greater than anything a person could ever give you, remember that Christ gave up his life for the those he loved even just a little.
Back to the question does more discipline mean more favored. Does it mean the more hardship you suffer the more you are favored? I think so. Think about it, if there is some really nasty task one which requires much hard work, or perhaps getting really dirty and stinky, or will make you uncomfortable or is a bit humiliating and you needed help doing it who do you call, the guy you met last week or your best friend that has been with you through thick or thin? Who does a general call with his most difficult missions the officer he knows and trusts or the one he doesn't. Read your bible, read the stories of Joseph, Moses, David, Peter, Paul, the Johns. They all had lives full of hardship, yet these men are the biblical greates and there is not a Christian on earth who considers these men not favored of God.
So back to the question are the more disciplined the most favored? Absolutely. So treat hardship as discipline God is treating you as sons, dearly loved and trusted sons. Rejoice when things get harder and things seem difficult more often it just means that God is giving the more difficult missions. The ones he only gives to best friends, those he trusts. Live the adventure.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
The Most Favored

Today I found myself contemplating Hebrews 12. It speaks of discipline. It says to treat hardship as discipline and that God disciplines those he loves. I want to speak a moment on discipline. Discipline is often thought of as punishment for wrong. I was in the military for 4 years, one thing I remember was P.T. Its full name is physical training. It happens everyday. Its one our daily "disciplines". I hadn't done anything wrong yet everyday at 6 a.m. everyday I would be in formation waiting for the order to do the push up.
It wasn't a punishment, it was a discipline. A discipline we had to endure not because we were bad soldiers but because it was vital that we remain in good physical condition in order to be ready for combat. We see this through out the scripture. Look at Moses he spent 40 years in the desert. Why because he killed an Egyptian, I don't think so. We must remember that when Moses killed the Egyptian it was out of defense of a fellow Hebrew. Moses was not exiled for forty years as punishment, he was out in the in the desert for 40 years because he was the one chosen to lead Israel thru the desert over the next 40 years. It was a necessary discipline to keep him alive in spiritual combat. Its important that we see that Because if we see discipline merely as punishment than we are always trying to figure out what we did wrong in order to receive when in fact you didn't necessarily do anything. It just may be a discipline necessary to keep you alive in future spiritual combat. Live the adventure
Monday, February 25, 2008
The Chance to Be a Hero.

So I was watching Law and Order yesterday and on this particular episode a 7 year old had shot a 6 year old. Now in this instance the 7 year old was shooting at some drug dealers whom he had witnessed murder some one the day before and the six year old just happen to get in the way. The police knew it there was just no evidence to prove it, the DA was charging the boy. The prosecutor and the police where particularly torn up on this case as they didn't want to send a 7 year old to jail on murder charges. The police scrambled to find anybody else they could charge with the crime, they couldn't find anyone. The attorney assigned to the case pleaded with the Chief District Attorney to find another option, he gave her none. So this prosecutor is given the most difficult of her life. The media is watching. Her boss is watching. The Fate of a 7 year old boy is on the line.
So the show comes to a scene where the prosecutor is asking the counsel of another lawyer friend of her's. She is telling her friend of all the woes she is facing, how her career and political future are doomed and she doesn't know what to do and wishes she had never gotten the case. Her friend looked at her and said "I don't know why you're complaining you should be glad you got this case and not someone who doesn't care, it's a tough case, but you have the chance to be a hero".
The line gave me chills. It's a tough case but you have the chance to be a hero. How many of us wish we had the chance to be a hero. Yet how many of us fail to recognize that our present adversity is the chance for us to become a hero. We spend our whole lives cursing our every adversity and then wonder at the end why we achieved nothing. Heroes are born out adversity. Want to be a hero? Live the Adventure.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
True Love.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Like Christ.

Monday, February 18, 2008
Wax on, Wax Off:

Friday, February 15, 2008
Live the Adventure

Thursday, February 14, 2008
In Theory and In Practice

Tuesday, February 12, 2008
You're Being Watched

Monday, February 11, 2008

Friday, February 8, 2008
Cypher and Judas

There are so many Cyphers out there and so many like Judas. They are ready to defect. They are thinking that they wish they had taken the blue pill. Its our job as the church as the body of Christ to reach out to those who are Cypher and Judas. We need to make sure we grab our buddy and make sure they understand the rest of the story. We can read the story of Judas and watch the story of Cypher and see that both had negative outcomes. Judas lived the short remainder of his life in misery and then hung himself, Cypher was killed, they both ended up dead remembered only as traitors. You can’t but help to feel sorry for both these characters. They both gave up to easily and to early. If they had stuck it out a little longer who knows what they may have found out and what they may have become, what they may have been remembered for. We all love to watch the rest of the story we love to see the helicopter scene where neo saves trinity, where Morpheus escapes, where they eventually beat the agents. We love it and it never gets old. That’s the story we want, nobody wants to be like Cypher and nobody wants to be like Judas. Never regret taking the red pill and never let your buddy regret it either. I know its not easy but in the end our story will be awesome. So lets grab each other, encourage each other, lets make sure we all Live The Adventure.
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Take The Red Pill
Monday, February 4, 2008
What Are We Saving For Anyway?

What are we saving for anyway? What are you waiting on? Today I am not taking about savings accounts. Savings accounts are good things I have been saved by them on more than one occasion. I am not talking about money period. Today I am talking about us. What do we wait on, what are we saving ourselves for (I am not talking about sex just in case you where going there.). I am talking about our beings, the essence of who we are. The currency that makes up our daily lives. Its where we apply our efforts. It seems we can often hold back. We sometimes don’t give 100 percent because we’re afraid of failure, sometimes we’re afraid of rejection, and other times we’re afraid of the sacrifice. Ever not do something because you thought it would be too hard, we’re afraid of the effort we might have to put into it. I had the privilege last night about talking to my nephew about the Super bowl we some how got on the subject of if we had the chance to play in it at our current skill level, like if we had one a contest that allowed us to run one play in the actual game, would we do it. I said yes, he said no. When I asked him why, he said " what if I screw up in front of all those people.” Fear of failure. I told him I know for a fact that I would screw up, even if I didn’t I would be lucky if I made it a yard before I became flattened like a pancake but I would have still gotten to play in the super bowl. Who knows I could get lucky and make a touch down (ha! ). You never know unless you try. The bottom line is no matter how poorly I did I would have had experience that probably everyone who reads this blog would have never had. Here’s a quote “when it comes to setting goals always shoot for the moon even if you miss you still land in the stars”. This brings me back to my point. What are you saving for? What do you hold back on, where do not give 100 percent, where are you afraid to try and why? I was reading in Philippians chapter 2 verse 17: “But even if I am being poured out like a drink offering on the sacrifice and service coming from your faith, I am glad and rejoice with all of you.” He is saying that if his life is poured out like a drink offering it was worth it. To see what he had seen it was worth it. If I am looking at the last hours of my life I want to be as a Paul was, rejoicing. He had lived his life to fullest. He had been beaten, imprisoned, shipwrecked, had spent nights with out food and shelter. Had been rejected by close friends and had his share of failures. He died spent, his life poured out like a drink offering with nothing left in the cup. That is how you live the adventure dying spent, with nothing saved or left. If you have anything left you’ll never know what you could have got with it. Here is to dying spent. Live life to fullest, live the adventure.
Friday, February 1, 2008
Doors That No Man Can Open

Acts 16:6-7 Paul and his companions traveled throughout the region of Phrygia and Galatia, having been kept by the Holy Spirit from preaching the word in the province of Asia. When they came to the border of Mysia, they tried to enter Bithynia, but the Spirit of Jesus would not allow them to.