Yes I am still in the Matrix. I have watched the movie so many times and have always recognized some Christian parallels, however, never have has God spoken so clearly. I actually tivoed it and have been watching it as part of my devotion. (I know, the things I suffer to learn more about God ) Today I wanted to talk about Judas and Cypher, both of them notorious traitors. They both betrayed their friends, they both gave up the truth to to go back and live the lie. We can probably learn alot about Judas from Cypher. It is probably safe to assume that Judas felt much like Cypher, he was tired. He was tired of walking everywhere, continually moving from town to town, tired of never having a place to call his own, or money to call his own, or time to call his own. He was tired of the pursuit of truth. The life more abundant was harder than he had expected and required more than he wanted to give. He gave up Jesus to regain his life of ignorance of the truth, the life that contained comfort and ease.
There are so many Cyphers out there and so many like Judas. They are ready to defect. They are thinking that they wish they had taken the blue pill. Its our job as the church as the body of Christ to reach out to those who are Cypher and Judas. We need to make sure we grab our buddy and make sure they understand the rest of the story. We can read the story of Judas and watch the story of Cypher and see that both had negative outcomes. Judas lived the short remainder of his life in misery and then hung himself, Cypher was killed, they both ended up dead remembered only as traitors. You can’t but help to feel sorry for both these characters. They both gave up to easily and to early. If they had stuck it out a little longer who knows what they may have found out and what they may have become, what they may have been remembered for. We all love to watch the rest of the story we love to see the helicopter scene where neo saves trinity, where Morpheus escapes, where they eventually beat the agents. We love it and it never gets old. That’s the story we want, nobody wants to be like Cypher and nobody wants to be like Judas. Never regret taking the red pill and never let your buddy regret it either. I know its not easy but in the end our story will be awesome. So lets grab each other, encourage each other, lets make sure we all Live The Adventure.
There are so many Cyphers out there and so many like Judas. They are ready to defect. They are thinking that they wish they had taken the blue pill. Its our job as the church as the body of Christ to reach out to those who are Cypher and Judas. We need to make sure we grab our buddy and make sure they understand the rest of the story. We can read the story of Judas and watch the story of Cypher and see that both had negative outcomes. Judas lived the short remainder of his life in misery and then hung himself, Cypher was killed, they both ended up dead remembered only as traitors. You can’t but help to feel sorry for both these characters. They both gave up to easily and to early. If they had stuck it out a little longer who knows what they may have found out and what they may have become, what they may have been remembered for. We all love to watch the rest of the story we love to see the helicopter scene where neo saves trinity, where Morpheus escapes, where they eventually beat the agents. We love it and it never gets old. That’s the story we want, nobody wants to be like Cypher and nobody wants to be like Judas. Never regret taking the red pill and never let your buddy regret it either. I know its not easy but in the end our story will be awesome. So lets grab each other, encourage each other, lets make sure we all Live The Adventure.
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