So I was watching Law and Order yesterday and on this particular episode a 7 year old had shot a 6 year old. Now in this instance the 7 year old was shooting at some drug dealers whom he had witnessed murder some one the day before and the six year old just happen to get in the way. The police knew it there was just no evidence to prove it, the DA was charging the boy. The prosecutor and the police where particularly torn up on this case as they didn't want to send a 7 year old to jail on murder charges. The police scrambled to find anybody else they could charge with the crime, they couldn't find anyone. The attorney assigned to the case pleaded with the Chief District Attorney to find another option, he gave her none. So this prosecutor is given the most difficult of her life. The media is watching. Her boss is watching. The Fate of a 7 year old boy is on the line.
So the show comes to a scene where the prosecutor is asking the counsel of another lawyer friend of her's. She is telling her friend of all the woes she is facing, how her career and political future are doomed and she doesn't know what to do and wishes she had never gotten the case. Her friend looked at her and said "I don't know why you're complaining you should be glad you got this case and not someone who doesn't care, it's a tough case, but you have the chance to be a hero".
The line gave me chills. It's a tough case but you have the chance to be a hero. How many of us wish we had the chance to be a hero. Yet how many of us fail to recognize that our present adversity is the chance for us to become a hero. We spend our whole lives cursing our every adversity and then wonder at the end why we achieved nothing. Heroes are born out adversity. Want to be a hero? Live the Adventure.
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