You know about 2 and half weeks ago, I went prayer walking. Thats a long walk I go on and prayer the whole time. It helps keep me focused. On that particular prayer walk I was seeking the lords direction. I was an Independent Agent working for an insurance company, I got paid soley on commission. I had done okay for myself for the first few months and then all of the sudden my sales stopped. I would have days full of appointments and everyone would cancel, I had a 63% closing ratio on my sales yet it seemed impossible to make one. I would try and try it seemed as if I was spining my wheels. I finally came to a point where I hadn't made a sale in 3 weeks, that means I hadn't got paid in that long either. To make matters even better my wife had recently lost her job.I had been fasting for about 21 one days and had a sense that it was time to leave my job. After much prayer and wise counsel with 25 dollars in my checking account I decided to quit. I did. What has consipired over the last few weeks and especially today is a glorious testemant to God. About a week and a half ago neither my wife nor I had any money in our pockets, in fact our checking account was 383 dollars over drawn and our house was out of toilet paper. I decided to take another prayer walk shortly into the walk I begin crying out to God, on and abondened road yelling at the top of my voice I screamed God I need money, I need money. I tell you no lie when at that moment a friend called to ask me how I was doing he later wired me 500 dollars. But wait it gets better, today at 8:30 in the morning the door bell rang and there was a knock at the door. I opened the door to find a ups package sitting on the porch. Inside I found a money order made out to me for a thousand dollars. I do not know the woman who sent it nor does my wife. If the person exist (if its not some angel) than it was only through the holy spirit that she could have recieved my name and addresse. I must say this, that if you take anything from this realize that amazing stories are not confined to the pages of the bible that they happen here and now. God has destined all of us to live lives of the miraclous and the amazing. It takes guts, its dangerous, and its hard, these last few weeks have been difficult, but its worth it. Forget the fact I just got a thousand dollars that I didn't work for, I just saw a miracle. I just saw the boundaries of the possible penetrated and the boundless possiblitys of an almighty God. I love living the Adventure.
1 comment:
We're right there beside you living and loving the adventure. Go God!
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