Acts 16:6-7 Paul and his companions traveled throughout the region of Phrygia and Galatia, having been kept by the Holy Spirit from preaching the word in the province of Asia. When they came to the border of Mysia, they tried to enter Bithynia, but the Spirit of Jesus would not allow them to.
Today I wanted to talk about trusting God. Specifically trusting God in failure. Failure is a naughty word, especially here in america. We hate to fail. You can see it in our ever busying life styles as we cram in a few more hours of work, or study, or practice so we can be the best that we can be. Nobody wants to be on the bottom rung of the ladder, nobody wants to be considered a failure. Yet no matter how hard we try we all fail at one thing or another. Many times its our fault, many times we could have tried harder, practiced more, made better decisions along the way. Then there are the times when no matter what you do you still can't win. You do everything right yet everything tends to go wrong. I posted the verse above for a reason. Its little quoted but maybe it should be. We often quote of the victorys of the lord. We quote the verses of the Isrealites crossing into the promised land, we quote how the walls of jericho fell, and how Lazerus rose from the dead after four days. We often quote the success against impossible odds, we rarely quote how the disciples tried to enter two diffferent provinces yet FAILED to do so because they were stopped by the holy spirit. We often give God glory for his ability to to enable we often fail to give him glory when he disables. When he stops our every attempt to achieve something. Twice we read ,in Isaiah 22:22 and in revelation 3:7 , Jesus being described as the one "who shuts doors no man can open". In Job 1:20 Job says the Lord "gives and takes away". We need to give God the Glory when he enables and when disables,whether he shows us a open path or closes one we would try to take in both instances he is in control and in both instances he is leading us to our destiny. Wether successe or failure trust the lord and LIVE THE ADVENTURE.
Right on Jake. Thanks, this is powerful.
Good word, Jake. I love what you said about giving God glory when He enables, but not doing so when He disables. We are quick to say "God opened a door for me", but when it's a closed door, we say "the door was closed", but don't ascribe the closing to God. And yes, I choose to live the adventure every day!
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