How well do you know God? How well do you really know him? How about an easier question how well do you know your best friend. Everybody has a friend that they know when their sad, when their down and out. You also know when their up, when their happy. We know them when their kidding around. They say the meanest thing to you and you laugh. Why, because you know them. You know your friend, you know what he is made of and capable of. You know who he is. Their is never a question in your mind about his purpose is to what he says because you know him. Mark chapter seven. The Syrophoenician women. A women that knew God. Jesus is hanging out in Tyre and a Syrian women born in Phoenicia, who has a demon possessed daughter, finds out. Desperately needing help this women goes to Jesus seeking his assistance. When she asks Jesus response is " First let all the children eat what they want, it is not right to take the children's bread and give it to the dogs." Let me brake that down for you. Jesus is basically saying I have come for the Jews why should I help you, a Syrian. Now don't freak out, it is obvious by Jesus life and by his teaching that he did not only come for the Jews, in fact Jesus had already healed the child of a roman centurion. so why say this. He was testing how well the woman knew him. Did she know him well enough to know he wasn't serious. Did she know him well enough to know this couldn't be him. Absolutely. The woman's response was "Even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from the children's table." Was she calling herself a dog? No. She was simply stating that she knew Jesus and she knew their was plenty of grace and love to go around. She was telling God who he was. She was reminding him of his heart. She knew him.
Why is it so important to know God. Because knowing him causes a belief in him. If the woman didn't know him, she wouldn't have gone to him, moreover she wouldn't have stayed and pressed in after his response. If she hadn't believed her daughter would have never been healed. Want to live the adventure? Want to really live it? Then you must know God. Because true adventure is not possible with out the miraculous, both in our hearts and physically. if you don't know God then you will not believe in him enough, you won't be able to trust him enough to make it through the adversity that you must go through in order to live the adventure. God never said it would be easy just awesome. To make it through the not easy parts you must trust and believe, but before you can do that you must KNOW. Know God. Live the adventure.
1 comment:
Great commentary Jake. This is such a oool passage.
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