This month I am in season of prayer. My church is on 21 day Daniel Fast. That's were you eat only fruits and vegetables and you drink water and juice. This fast is giving my an amazing opportunity to pray. Prayer tends to be seasonal in my life, there are times when it is season and times when its not. Its amazing how well I remember the seasons of prayer, and how much I don't remember the seasons with out it. Seasons of little prayer are often seasons I remember little about. That's because there is little to remember. There is little activity, little new friendships, little life giving conversations, little revelation from God, little productivity,little success, and little adventure. Seasons of little prayer have always tended to be seasons of little everything,except mediocrity, boredom, and depression those are in abundance when prayer is not is season. (There like weeds) Yet seasons of prayer I remember much. Perhaps there is much to be remembered. Seasons of prayer are abundant. There is an abundance of new friendships, an abundance of life giving conversations, an abundance of the revelation of the word of God, an abundance of productivity, and an abundance of success in short an abundance of adventure. Why is that? I have a theory. Christ said that "he came to give life and give it to the full"(john 10:10). Its very difficult for me to give you any thing if your not near me. so maybe just maybe its the same with God. Maybe its hard for him to give you anything if your not around him, especially "life to the full". Prayer is a way of hanging out with God, in it he gives you life to the full. Want adventure, want more......Pray more. Live the Adventure.
Well said, Moose man. I love it!
Are you sure juice is a part of the Daniel Fast???
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