Small steps. Its amazing how many small steps lead us to were we are today. whether our current situation is good are bad it was mostly small steps that got us there. I think about the time I joined the army. You know how the recruiter got my name and number. My car had broken down, the recruiter was the only one who had stopped and help me push my car into a parking lot. At the end he asked what my plans where after high school we conversed he asked for my number I gave it. It was a small incident but it ultimately lead up to a four year tour of duty in military. Who would have thought it would have started that way. it wasn't the army's marketing or ad campaigns it was a small favor, took the recruiter maybe all of 5 minutes to help me. Think of Peter, a very successful minister. I one could argue the most successful out of the original 12, he had a very large church in Jerusalem and was "the rock" on which Jesus built his church. How did it all start. One small step. In Luke chapter 5 you'll read Jesus was preaching by the sea of Galilee a large crowd had gathered, Jesus needed a little space. So Jesus asked one of the local fisherman to put his boat out just a little bit from shore. Who did he ask but peter. A small step. A small favor. years later after the adventure with Jesus, he is preaching to thousands at a Pentecost, then he is pastoring the largest church in Jerusalem. WOW! Peter is no different then you and I. He didn't have visions of grandeur when he put Jesus out a little from shore. He was just washing his nets and heard this guy preached and liked what he had to say so when the man asked "can I have a favor" he obliged. This is my encouragement for you all today. Is never be afraid to do a small favor. Many of you see a need that can be ended every day yet don't do it because it seems like a small deal and won't do much good, some of you want to be a part of something large yet you can only add a small contribution so you don't sign on. Small steps and small favors are what make the world go round. They are what ultimately lead to big things. Live the adventure.
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