My studies this morning took me to my birth as a Christian. I found myself recounting my first steps into Christianity, the day I repented and first believed. To keep the story short and sweet I was a drunk. I was 18 and what had started as a little recreational fun on the weekends was quickly beginning to consume me. What was worse was I was miserable, my mom dragging me to church every Sunday, me sitting there listening to a preacher preach knowing that what he said was right, yet I refused to believe. Week in and week out I would say "I can quite on my own, I can do it on my own." The longer I waited the more of my life it took. Like many of us who call God father, I had to hit rock bottom. I had sunk about as low as I could go, I was looking at my life realizing I was miserable. I had hated what I had become and I wanted out. Weeks of trying to get out on my own simply weren't working, I would say that's it I am done no more. Some times it would be less than an hour before I found myself back to those nasty habits. What was I gonna do? Finally came that fateful news year eve party, I was so drunk I could barely see, literally my vision was so blurred I could barley make out shapes. My family was in the next room asleep they didn't know what I had done that night. I sat bowing to the porcelain throne. It was there God spoke to me. I heard a voice loud and clear. It said "this is what you have become" in a instant a drunken stupor became a sober moment of clarity. I saw my life flash before my eye's I saw relationships destroyed and opportunities missed, I saw things that I worked hard for crumbling. It was all because of that stupid bottle. I was disgusted. My friend who had accompanied me that night came into the room checking on me. I gave him a flask that I carried with me, it always had a little something in it. I told him I was done, to keep it, I didn't need it anymore. He looked at me in disbelief as he should have I wasn't the first drunk to give up my drinking ways in front of the toilet only to pick them up the next day. I was determined, but what would separate this time from all the others. I knew there was no way I could do it alone, I had tried so many times and failed. I was so scared the next day. It was Sunday, I went to church knowing what I was going to do. I didn't care what the preacher preached about I was just waiting for the alter call, I wanted to plead to God to help me. As soon as the music played I was literally running to the front, I almost didn't make it I broke down wailing out my sins begging for help. That was the day I got I saved. The day I started my Journey to freedom. Why this story. Because I want to reach out to those who are miserable, maybe your a drunk, maybe your not,maybe your addicited,maybe youre not addicted to anything but you are just miserable, you are currently not enjoying life, maybe you just want more. When I first got saved I wasn't terrified of hell, I didn't consider myself and evil man, I am not even sure that when I first got saved I loved God. I just knew that he was offering me a ticket out, a way to freedom, he was offering more. That's it. I will tell you this, the life I live now is way more awesome, way more exciting and way more free. It says that in the second half of John 10:10 "Christ came to give life and to give it to the full". I encourage all of you if you aren't living life to the full then accept Christ he is your ticket to adventure. He is your ticket to more. Live the life of freedom. Live the adventure.
1 comment:
Mr. Jake, I meant "Moose man" I love your blog! It's so insightful. It's something we can all relate to. Not saying that I drink or anything. I just love your writing style.
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