In Mark 6:7 Jesus sends out the twelve. He tells them take nothing for journey. No food. No money. No extra tunic. Go preach the gospel, cast out demons, heal the sick , but take nothing for the journey. I don't think we understand the gravity of what the twelve were going through. Jesus tells them take nothing for the journey, then a few sentences later Jesus says "When houses or towns reject you". Let repeat that last part "when towns reject you". When a town rejects you where do sleep? You have brought no food for the journey. What do you eat? By the way what time of day where the disciples sent out? Why is that important? Think about it. Which team was sent to a town they couldn't reach by night fall, who got the two day journey with no promise of shelter or food. Scary thought right. What would you be thinking if you where on that team of two. I pondered today why would Jesus do that. Why send them out while he is still around. He is still there, he is still teaching, the disciples still had a lot to learn. Why send them out. Perhaps God was teaching them something. This is how ministry works. You are given a mission and you go. You often go like the disciples, no provision, and no promises. Its very likely the disciples spent some nights outside in a very manly cuddle trying to stay warm. Its also highly possible the didn't always have food. They had ruff times. don't read this passage and think Jesus sent them out and it was all Sunshine and rainbows, it wasn't. Adventures never are. Here is the next point I wanted to Highlight. They all made it home, when they did I bet they had some awesome stories to tell. This is the point; the road to destiny will not always be easy, it will not always be fun, it will be awesome, it is possible, you can make it. Its just not always easy. This is my encouragement to you. Go! do as the disciples did and go, no provisions, no promises, just a mission, a hearts cry given to you by God. The road will not always be sunshine and rainbows but you will make it home, and when you do there will be an awesome story to tell. Live the adventure.
Jake, this is a great post. I never thought of that. you're right, they were completely stripped down and "simplified".
Wow, Jake. This is a great post. I really love the drive and passion that you talk about (and live). This is what makes our mission so amazing. We are paired with people that are just as passionate and daring as we are. I'm really enjoying the journey with you guys.
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